Crin cottage Ltd Wrekin View Naturist Club * B.N Member

1 Introduction
2 Tour of facilites
3 Photo Tour
4 Questions & Answers
5 Tariffs & Fees
6 Info. & Rules for Visitors
8 Contact Us &Visitor's Comments
9 What's on guide
10 Out and About
11 Member's Only Diary
12 NEW BUILD Photo Album
CLUB MINUTES 2023/2024
MINUTES 2021/2022
15 CLUB MINUTES 2019/20
14 CLUB MINUTES 2017/18

Wrekin View History

If you have the time, check out our Potted History

During the summer of 1963, adverts appeared in H&E seeking anyone interested in starting a naturist club in Shropshire.  Several people from a wide area around Shropshire replied.  Some were new to Naturism and some who were already members of the British Sun Bathers Association or Federation of British Sun Clubs.  The inaugural meeting was held in a member’s house on 14th September 1963.  At that time the name of the club was The Severn Valley Sun Club but it was decided to rename it the Shropshire Outdoor Society, and so a new club was formed.  It was in the January of 1964 that we first saw Crin Cottage, deep in snow.  Not really the best image of naturism, but the decision to buy was made.  A new home was found which has proved over the years to be a wise move.  The same year the BSBA & FBSC merged, to become what we now know as the CCBN and we were happy to be affiliated to it. 

At the next meeting it was reported that a suitable site had been found through ‘Green and Pearce’, local estate agents at nearby Hodnet.  The asking price was £1,200 but it was felt that £800 may be accepted.  Camp Sites and Hostels, an organisation founded by three naturists to help with such purchases, had been contacted requesting funding.  Subsequently at a meeting held on 26th January 1964 at Crin Cottage Camp Sites and Hostels agreed to fund the purchase.  Twenty four people attended. 

Although close to a local area known as Paradise - the site itself was far from Paradise.  It was completely overgrown.  The field inside the gate had been a car breakers yard; most of the bits and pieces and chassis were still there.  The caravan field was not really accessible; the road up to it was to come later.  The sandstone steps up from the front lawn (which at that time was a rubbish tip) were cut to give a way up.  Buried in the brambles and undergrowth were the remains of pig runs and pens.  Yards and yards of barbed and pig wire made mass cutting impossible; it all had to be done by hand pulling each blade of grass out as one cut.  In the middle of this field was a large swamp.  Study of an OS map showed that this was, in fact, a well - which many years before had collapsed.  Many hours of wet cold slog were to turn it into the well it is today and used successfully for many years.  None of the flowering shrubs and trees that now surround and screen the club today existed.  Before this the site was quite open and old sacks were hung across the valley to afford some privacy.  Nudity was practised only in the area just below the cottage, in all other parts of the ground, one had to get dressed before venturing forth. 

The cottage itself was in a terrible state.  Part of the chimney had fallen through the roof and the subsequent rain had done a lot of damage.  The floors downstairs were of sand and red tile.  In the kitchen area was an old “Raeburn” type cooker which was full of many years debris.  The cottage roof seems to have been raised at some time by using all kinds of rubble held together with mortar.  One of the sheds at the back had the remains, or at least a hole where the baking oven used to be.  The estate agents had described a full length kitchen, running along the front of the building.  This turned out to be a lean-to of timber and glass construction, most of which had fallen in.  This of course, explains why the meter for the electricity is outside.  Talking of electricity, this was installed prior to our purchase, but not paid for by the previous owner.  The MEB wanted the sum of £250 from us; a lot of smooth talking on our part finally persuaded them to drop the claim.  The area in front of the cottage, which is now lawn, was a tip for domestic rubbish.  The height of this can be gauged by the depth of the shrubbery adjacent to the steps.  It is built on the remains of it.

Crin Cottage, the name is an old Shropshire word meaning a ravine within a hill; very descriptive of our little place.  How old Crin Cottage is, is not known but it is a sure fact that it is well over 200 years old.  The well which used to supply the drinking water, appears on maps of the early 1800’s.  It is known that a hundred years ago a family named Williams lived in the cottage.  There were eleven children in the family spread over many years but even so, it must have been a bit crowded at times.  The family left about eighty years ago.  In 1975 one of them returned and called to see us.  He was very pleased to see his old home so well looked after.  During the time he lived at Crin Cottage it was part of the Hawkstone Park Estate of Lord Hill and was sold in 1915.  It seems to have become part of Manor Farm at that time, but eventually being sold again.  The previous owner to us came from Devon to start a chicken farm but went bankrupt for the lack of water.  Something else we needed to fix.

Having got ourselves a site, what to do with it?  At the AGM held in September 1964, the records show that 20 members attended.  Nine couples and four singles were also applying for membership.  The first job would be to clean up the cottage to give us shelter.  We needed to provide a toilet and re-pipe the well to the cottage.  The rotten old galvanised pipe was replaced with polythene pipe.  The toilet was quickly built, the need being urgent.  It was an old Elsan toilet given to us and housed in one of the sheds at the back.  A sack was hung from a rope and one sang or whistled to indicate occupancy.  Our first Calor cooker was obtained but no connection!

Prior to the September AGM we had a visit from the Chairman and Surveyor of Market Drayton RDC, in whose area we were.  They were pleased with the way in which we were conducting ourselves and offered to help in any way they could.

During these early days, we started to lay the foundations of our acceptance with the local people.  They were invited to our fund raising events, Fireworks on 5th November and our BBQs.  It was at one of these events a local friend and farmer loaned us his pony.  We were able to give rides to the children on the front lawn and raised quite a bit of money for the club funds.

The minutes of a meeting held in March 1965 showed that we had £138 in the bank and pressing debts of £168.  Things were not very rosy.  It was agreed to start charging for tea or milk 3d, coffee 4d, soft drinks 2d.  Committee officials resigned.  In 1966 a few members decided that if the club was to survive, urgent action was needed.  A special meeting was called and the CCBN came to Chair it.  A new committee was elected and a new Constitution based on recommendations from the CCBN was adopted.  Slowly, very slowly we started on the long road to success. 

The first job was to look very carefully at our costs.  Rates were a big drain on our money so we approached the Council for rate relief as a recreational body.  At first they refused but we persisted.  Eventually they gave us a 100% rate rebate.  Although no longer at 100%, we still enjoy a relief on our rates to this day.  This of course improved things a great deal.  Several members agreed to pay the Mortgage and have it back in reduced subscriptions over the years as and when we could afford it.  A big drive to collect Green Shield Stamps for a petrol driven mower illustrated our determination to succeed.  Finally, 1967 saw the name of the cottage restored to Crin Cottage from the more anonymous, incognito, The Dell. 

Some of the money we then was used to carry out a concerted advertising campaign.  This brought us many new members and a lot of letter writing.  A disproportionate number of applications from single men necessitated careful scrutiny but slowly our nucleus of constant members grew.

The old orchard, which covered the area now the Miniten and (the then) Volleyball Courts, was pulled out and burnt.  Smaller trees were replanted around the boundary.  Indeed, the willow tree that grew alongside the cottage was carried up by bulldozer and replanted to provide instant screening.  That particular side of the club being open to the world. We approached a local Construction Company for a quote to level the orchard site for our courts.  We didn’t accept their quotation price of £80 so our local friendly farmer did the job for £20.  At this time the £20 was loaned by a member, another member provided the Tarmac and we laid a Miniten court. Some 15 years later that same court cost £650 to re-lay.

As we lie in the sun, in what has become the envy of many Naturist clubs, it is easy to forget the hard work and generosity of our earlier members and the help we got from the CCBN which enabled us to carry on. 

We now have flush toilets.  Much hard work went into them.  We did not have enough water to mix the concrete when they were built.  It is difficult to say where we got the water from in print, but after every tea - break the men could be seen standing in a circle around the cement pile, but we got the toilet block finished.  Because we had flush toilets we had to take steps to store water.  The old joke ‘it fell off the back of a lorry’ is true regarding the 5000 gallon tank that used to be situated below the caravan field.  It was a brand new one being delivered to a petrol station and it went under a bridge that was low, it was damaged and we were able to buy it for £60, its SCRAP value.  It is buried at the depth it is because the ground there is solid rock and we could not dig any deeper.  The other 2 tanks were seen one Sunday morning the other side of Wem, and we could afford to buy them.  These tanks supplied us with sufficient water until the drought brought on by the glorious summer of 1976 when they proved to be inadequate. 

In 1973 a phone call led to the purchase of an above ground plastic pool.  This, after a lot of argument as to which way it was to go and where the fence should be put, served us well until 1981.  It was sold to a school for disabled children in Wales.

The lack of mains water used to create a major problem during dry summer periods.  Members always had to bring a supply of drinking water from home.  We had two flush toilets, but there was never enough water to flush them.  So it was decided to dig out a large reservoir at about 30ft square and 7ft deep at the top corner of the site, line it with a butyl rubber sheet and lay a plastic tube to take the water half way across the site to a large storage tank located above the toilet block.  A deep well had to be dug at the side of the pool and a submersible pump installed to pump ground water into the liner.  This proved to be invaluable until we were eventually able to have the present bore hole installed at which time it was considered to be redundant and filled in to provide additional space for camping.

In 1981 a member who at that time was building swimming pools around the country, offered to help us build one of our own.  This offer was taken up.  Blocks, cement, sand, etc. were brought and the job of carrying them down from the gate to the pool area started.  We used the existing hole which only needed extending at one end to accommodate the steps.  As we had no water supply at the time, filling and cleaning the pool was always a job to be undertaken with care and planning.  To retain some of our precious water when back washing the pool, we installed a 200 gallon tank on the bank above into which the dirty water was discharged.  We then waited until the dirt settled to the bottom, and then carefully reused the water from the top.  This storage tank now provides a part of our fresh water system, as back up storage in the middle of the top field.  It acts as an intermediate storage to save the main borehole pump switching on every time someone fills a glass with water from one of the taps.

The 1970’s saw Wrekin View at its sporting prime.  Members entered the regional miniten competition and were well placed, although never winning the shield.  It was different in the volleyball, with Wrekin View fielding three teams for several years running and each year coming home with the winner’s shield.  In the swimming competitions we had the same sort of success, with individual members constantly being among the winners.  Also our relay team came home regularly with the Winners Shield.  So successful was our sporting life at this time that we used to travel to events in a full sized coach, with a large poster in the front, proudly proclaiming our clubs name etc.

Sadly many of these people moved away, or grew older, which broke the core of the competitive sporting side, although during the early ‘90’s we were to become quite good in the game of boules and on several occasions members returned from France with winners certificates.  The wine which went with the certificate seemed to disappear before their return to Britain. The 1970’s saw many changes to the grounds with many areas being reclaimed and made useful.  A major task during that time was erection of security fencing.  The reason for this was quite simply the old saying “good fences make good neighbours,”   Up until this fence was erected, it was quite usual to find the club full of our neighbour’s sheep.  On more than one occasion, we have found a large Labrador dog from our neighbours at Daneswell swimming in our pool.  Similarly we’ve been invaded by a pack of hounds from the local hunt; a frightening experience for all, especially for children.

In 1981 the cottage floor, which until this time was sand and the odd tile, was concreted and laid with commercial grade Marley tiles.  These tiles came at a very cheap rate (£31) through a Marley rep.  This was another example of the shoe string economy that keeps us one of the best value clubs in the country.

The spring of 1980 saw the final payment on the mortgage, which at £80 per half year had been quite a drain on our subs.  Our trustees had not been in touch for many years, two of them had emigrated to New Zealand.  The other two were living in Wimbourne and about to move abroad.  Two other members were approved and appointed new trustees.  At this time the rates on the club were £174 per year and membership stood at 64 units.  Local solicitors were to hold the deeds to the club and charged £46.75 to complete all the paper work necessary for changing trustees.

July 1981 saw the installation of a Calor operated shower in the toilets at a cost of £73.  Due to the low pressure of our water supply, this was never a success but was a move towards the present, very successful system.

During 1983 the miniten court had become unusable and we decided to completely re-lay it.  A member used his theodolite to check the level of the court, found that the east end was nearly six feet lower than the west end.  This had to be corrected.  So the whole court was dug up and made level, then covered with concrete.  This exercise took a great deal of time and involved an enormous amount of labour and cost £608.  Almost the original amount that the whole site cost to buy, back in 1963!  We ended up using 61 bags of cement and 45 tons of sand and gravel, all of which had to be carried, one way or another, from the gate to the miniten court.  At the same time a member who was a qualified electrician commenced the electrical installation on the caravan field at a cost of £875 for cable and fittings.  This was paid for by the caravans’ owners at no cost to the club.  Whilst this was going on another member had started to repair the rendering on the outside of the cottage.  This was quite a major undertaking which took a long time, as large areas had to be stripped back to the sandstone and then treated to prevent further decay.  Then they were treated before they could be plastered and painted.  All in all, a very busy time.

At the AGM of 1984 the Treasurer told us that we had 38 children who came to the club on a regular basis and that we needed £912 per year just to keep the club open, this was without anything being spent on improvements.

During the winter of 1984/5, every Sunday was spent repairing the inside of the cottage.  As part of this process we decided to remove the ‘modern tile surround of the fireplace and build a brick replacement.  However, when we removed it we found an old kitchen range behind it and behind this, the present fire recess.  If you look up the chimney, you can see what appears to be a ‘jack bar’.  This would have been used to hold a jack spit, to roast meat.  To accommodate a safe fire a member then provided the log basket which has now been replaced by the current, windowed, log burning stove.

The AGM of 1985 showed that we had 66 units with 33 children.  At that meeting, a ban on bringing pets was passed, especially dogs because of the trouble we were getting from their ever increasing numbers and the failure of their owners to control them.  A rule banning smoking in the pool area was also rescinded.

July 1987 saw the extension to the toilet block which was to become the men’s section.  Membership stood at 75 units.

1992 started off in a slightly different fashion to normal.  We had external Judges for the Easter Bonnet Parade.  Three visiting naturist Campanologists (and there are not many of those) were using the club as a base whilst attending a Bell ringing Festival at Hodnet Church and were happy to judge the parade.  Sadly, we were burgled again and a new shed had to be built.  Wild life was again in abundance and a cheeky blackbird made a nest in the dumper truck, rendering it unusable until the chicks had flown.  We had so many visitors from Holland we started to think we’d become part of some grand Naturist Tour of the UK.  Such lovely people are always welcome and have become great friends.  We were able to donate £35 to the Weston Church Restoration Fund thus demonstrating our commitment to the local communities.  Boy was it cold.  Nearby Shawbury recorded -16°C on 4th February 1992 & 12in of snow on 16th  February 1992

Celebration of our 30th Anniversary in 1993 was a big event.  The Pig Roast played host to the President of the CCBN & representatives from Regional Clubs.  Subs at this time were Double Unit = £33, Single = £30, Caravan site rental = £24, Tent £8 pa or 80p per night.

NSDC continued their Annual inspections of the site with particular regard to Fire Inspection.  This highlighted a need to check all gas appliances, amongst other things.  July was the wettest month since 1946.

We also had another first, never to be repeated, event which was a great source of fun and amusement to us all - a live broadcast from Crin by BBC’s Radio West Midlands.  The lady reporter chatted to us for two hours.  This was interspersed with recorded music played from back at the studios.  The obligatory ‘phone in had one particularly funny episode.  A son of one of the members called and said “hey, that’s my dad you talking to” and it was.  Good job the family had no secrets.

1994 saw the start of more major works.  The Solar Heating installed for the pool was working well.  The Ladies shower block completely refurbished and all site stand pipes made frost proof.

The most important task of the year, was obtaining Planning Permission for the new Bakehouse Building from NSDC.  This was done and now the start of a 5 year project could begin.  Work clearing the old building away started in earnest the next year.  Barrow load after barrow load of rubble & debris was relocated down by the Boules Court (to later become seating).  All this effort brought the inevitable question, ‘why do we need a new building?’  Simple, NSDC say, we must have more toilets and shower before applying for any additional camping licences.  So the job went on for the next four years.  The building period may seem a little protracted, but the treasurer had set strict annual cash flow limits that, when stuck to, didn’t impact on any other function within the club.  Apart from that, we all need some ‘me’ time.

The ‘ringing in’ of the twenty first century continued to see the club develop.  But, as you can imagine, while we were looking forward to its 40th Anniversary in 2003, some members had started to show signs of age plus wear & tear, but the event was celebrated in style.

With the continued success of the Pig Roast and Open Evenings, furniture moving had become an exhaustive task.  Twenty five tables, up to a hundred chairs and a marquee to cart from the Cottage to the Boules court was no joke.  So, a solid, brick, weather proof store was erected at the end of the boules courts thus making life a lot easy for the removal men & tent erectors.

As with all new features & buildings they make the older, existing ones look shabby.   So two more new building projects evolved, (i) the renewal of the brick fireplace & spit, which we used to roast the pig and (ii) the access steps leading onto the Miniten court.   By now the old sandstone from the Bakehouse had been redeployed to provide a full length seating area for the Boules spectators.

On the domestic front much more was going on.  The Cottage kitchen was gutted and then refurbished with new units.  A brand new gas cooker replaced the old electric one, which by now had created its own retirement contract by continually knocking the whole site electrics off, it had to go.  Completely renewed electrics presented us with, efficient, sensitive protection which was more than the old cooker could cope with.  The chimney on the cottage had been neglected for many years.  It was now leaking and in real need of some TLC.  The height made it a job, not for the feint hearted, so an outside specialist was brought in and a first class job done.  The gents’ shower and toilet block was also completely refurbished.  Foresight by the committee had also arranged for the roof on the toilet block to be completely replaced.  Such, that when NSDC appeared to view the condition of our painted asbestos roof, it was no longer there.  Good thinking.

During this period the Club felt the need to close for the second time in its history due to an outbreak of Foot & Mouth.  This was not a compulsory requirement more a gesture of consideration and thoughtfulness to our local farmers.  A gesture that was very well received within the local community and another reason why we maintain a high standing there.
In what you may call the business and corporate departments, activities were still moving apace, with the appointment of two additional trustees.  Consultation within our club and also with other North Western region clubs to consider leaving the auspices of the CCBN took place and an agreement to leave in 2006 was reached.  A planning application for three extra static, and four new touring, caravans was submitted to NSDC.  This was duly granted, thus lifting our license to 19 static and four touring caravans.  Changing legislation means we have to stay on the ball.  New fire regulations have required us to formalise and record what we have and what we do.  Running Wrekin View is not just about sun bathing, eh?

Life at Crin is busy, and will continue to be, if we want to maintain the high level of facilities we all enjoy.  In the last couple of years our beloved pool has been given a reseal, tile and paint.  New, hi tech equipment has been purchased to keep it in pristine condition.  Storage on the top field has been consolidated making life much easier for those at the top.  New flower beds and herbaceous boarders have appeared.  The life blood of the club, our children, now have a brand new log cabin to play in.

At the end of 2008 club membership was in decline and visitor numbers dwindling.  Something needed to be done; and fast.  Local and National advertisements failed to revive our fortunes, as did the Flyers we produced.  So we turned to the Internet. 

Early in 2009, with the help of some knowledgeable members, we produced and hosted our first web site.  It was a steep learning curve and required lots of effort.  We needed to 'spread the word' and made contact with a number of like minded organisations.  2009 was a successful launch year.

2010 built on that success with both membership up and visitors and return visitors, increasing.  Enquiries and bookings came from all over the UK; we even got good wishes from ex-members as far afield as New Zealand. 

Elsewhere in 2010 we acquired a pool table and this is a great source of fun and entertainment with the more robust playing well into the small hours.  Workwise, the cottage chimney was rebuilt; a timely exercise as it was destined to end up on top of the wood burner in the snug.  The tired vinyl kitchen floor was replaced by a new glazed ceramic version.

2011 ended on the saddest of sad notes.  Brain Williams, many who would describe as the Patriarch of Crin, passed away at Christmas.  It was a sad time.  Brian was known to all at Crin and also Nationally within the Naturist movement.  Not quite a founder member, by just a few weeks, his presence was everywhere to be seen at Wrekin.  A big man with a big heart who had Crin in his veins and is sadly missed. 

If that wasn't enough in 2012 B S, many who would describe as the Matriarch of Crin, also passed away.  No longer members at the time of her death B and her husband J had been very influential people who had blessed Crin with their wisdom.  J for many years as Treasurer and B relinquishing her role as Ladies Rep to become the Chairman before leaving.  It was only ill health that forced them to leave their beloved Crin.  Again sadly missed.

As mentioned earlier. the internet was a great success.  Lots of new people, members & ideas.  Modern people with modern ideas; some of which were not too welcome to members with 40 years history.  A delicate balance needed to be struck.  And, in the opinion of the author, it was.  Crin continued to flourish.

The cottage was once again badly in need of some TLC.  Now we had some 'youngsters' ready willing & able to take up the challenge.  The chimney continued to be a source of damp and the more able bodied  shimmied up the ladder to completely refurbish it.  The children's room and Office windows were beyond repair and replaced.  But, best of all, the aging uneven veranda with it's varying height step to the cottage lawn became a tripping hazard too far and was completely replaced and brought into the 2010th decade with modern pavers.  The lawn height was raised and smoothed with the overall effect well received by all.  The oven, designed for a family of six at best, was replaced by a much more suitable unit allowing catering to become a pleasure more that an chore with hot  food served en mass rather that piecemeal.

Years of frost damage had finally taken the pool to the point of no return.  Complete refurbishment or should we fill it in was the only question?  That was both unthinkable and unquestionable; so a costly & major refurbishment was embarked upon.  Over the winter cracks were repaired slabs re-bedded tiles replaced.  It was a mammoth task.  Again the winter didn't help and the pool reopened slightly late to restart the 2011 season.  However, all agree the end result was well worth the effort even though the bright blue flooring attracted both comment and sunglasses.

The availability of the internet on the move demands Wi Fi and Crin was not to be out done.  This was duly installed.  While the whole site is not quite covered (ever tried to get a good mobile signal at Crin?), the majority of members & visitor can utilise this vital facility.

In 2011/12 the constitution was reviewed & revisited.  Parts of it, were the original document from nearly 50 years ago.  Well meaning, well intended, clauses at the time were now completely redundant.  Modern day legislation had never been incorporated and the whole thing was covered in cobwebs.  Something had to be done.  One of the major findings was the need for Trustees; or as it happens -- the no need.  These were very necessary at the time of inception.  However, legal advice as to ownership and responsibility, revealed that the need for Trustees had ceased.  This was a bitter pill  for some to swallow.  Over the years a number of well respected and reliable members had stepped up to the plate and fulfilled this vital role.  But life goes on and after much in depth discussion and negotiation the new Constitution was ratified by the 2012 AGM

The winter on 2012/13, some would argue, saw Crin take on a more exotic and modern attitude.  A hot tub was purchased and housed a in gazebo within the pool gardens.  It's too early to comment on it's success but at this very early point (April 2013) all the indicators are good.  It certainly looks the business,  Once again, well done to all concerned.

2013 was our Golden Anniversary celebrating 50 years as a club and for the third year in a row we ended the season on a sad note.  Joining the list of Big Brian, BS another One of our founder members, RH. sadly died.  R and his wife H did much for the club particularly in those early years turning the club from the derelict cottage and scrub land it was to the little bit of paradise it now is.

2013's Chapter in our potted history section of the web site is taking on s light differing format this year.  Edited extracts from the Club's Annual magazine are be used

Your Secretary Reports

So we started another year (our Golden Anniversary one). First of January 2013 no problem weather wise, in fact we were able to sit on the benches outside the cottage in the sunshine.  We then sat down, in the Bakehouse, for stew at dinner-time. Either Iamb or beef with a variety of puddings to follow all beautifully prepared.

Ironically, just as with the passing away of "Big Bri" at Christmas-time 2011 so it was with B.S just after Christmas 2012. B held many posts at our club during the many years she was there and finally became President, before she and J (her husband) were forced to leave Crin owing to ill health.

The snow held off until 18th January 2013 but we then had a week of freezing temperatures, causing very slippy roads and pavements, but over the night of Saturday 26th January it all disappeared causing the inevitable floods.

As usual the club opened on the 1st March 2013 to quite nice weather, only to be followed by more snow which completely blocked the drive for several days. However, despite this the hot tub was officially opened and christened on Easter Saturday and some lovely hats were on display on the Sunday making it a nice weekend.

The event night for May was a party which proved to be enjoyed by all.

All efforts were now channelled to the 6th July 2013 which was our Open Evening when we invited people from outside to visit our Club. A good number accepted our invitation to attend including local dignitaries, our neighbours and our friends and families. It was a marvellous evening, with superb food and musical entertainment and during the event tributes were paid to "Big Bri" in the form of a slide show and a talk from his old school friend (P) from Wem. Our thanks go to all those club members who worked so hard, not only on the actual day, but during the weeks before in getting the grounds, building and gardens to look so nice. We had lovely "feedback" letters from our guests saying how much they had enjoyed the night.

Well, although we only have this occasion every two years, there is always something going on at Crin both for work and play.

Carole Chairman's Comments

Another year has come and gone, the weather was amazing with plenty of sun and not much rain.

New Year's Day was well attended with about 20 members enjoying a hot stew.

Easter came with the snow. How wonderful to sit in the hot tub 39 °C and we all said it must be like this in Norway.

Easter bonnet and Easter eggs, with hot dogs what a great weekend.

Over 100 people attended open night to celebrate our 50 Anniversary. The club grounds. swimming pool hot tub and I buffet were the main subject of conversation with complements to all the members on their hard work.

May I take this opportunity to thank all the committee over my time as Chairman. Their support has meant a great deal.


  • The Hot-Tub was bought and commissioned with a marvellous Gazebo being built over it.
  • The Memorial garden at the entrance to the site was completed in memory of our late secretary (Big Brian)
  • The Bake house was redecorated, together with the stairwell in the cottage.
  • The wood on the concrete benches were replaced and two new benches were donated to the club.
  • The Fence around the pool area was cleaned and repainted. A newwood store was built.
  • The two large trees that restricted access to the site were removed and the driveway widened (Our thanks to F. G) new stone was laid on the drive, with another load to be laid early next season.
  • Last but not least all the gardens and grassed areas of the club were kept immaculate throughout the season.
  • Our Thanks to all members who helped on any project be it small or large, just making a cup of tea is always appreciated.

We ended the last few years, leading up to our Golden Jubilee, with the sad death of three leading lights in the Club's history.  2013, itself, sees the retirement of the husband & wife team of BP & C, Treasurer and Secretary respectively.  The Chairman C will be standing down after sterling service ably supported by hubby K and B. E, a key figure in starting and running the highly successful web site and web mail - but no longer a member due to ill health - will hand over completely to others.

This means handing over responsibility of the Club for the next 50 years is falling onto new shoulders.  However, demonstration with new and highly successful projects such as the cottage patio and lawn refurbish, installation of hot tub & gazebo, swimming pool revamp and many more indicates that it is safe hands.  Good luck.

Steve became chairman in 2014 and at his first A.G.M  announced his vision for taking the club forward with plans to build a new shower and toilet block and a larger club house. First Job was a new kitchen and new windows fitted in the cottage this was done by a band of dedicated member's in freezing conditions  

That year was a sad time for the club with the passing of our former long serving chairman Ron Carter a pathway is now named in his honour Carter's way.

2015 A.G.M Steve announced the new toilet and shower block would be funded by pledges from members and the rest from club funds, That winter work started on the new build  taking 18 months to complete and also the old toilet and shower was removed from the bake house and the wall removed to give us a larger club house opening Easter 2018 with new carpet fitted.

2018 The old men's toilets were made into the tool shed a new sloped pathway was built from the tool shed down to the new toilet and shower block. We had our first advertisement on pitch and had a good response from this bringing in new visitors to the club

2019  We rented out our first static caravan The Raymond (donated by Ray & Thelma) and had record visitors to the club thanks to pitch  This winter we had a L.P.G gas tank fitted ready for central heating to be fitted …………. to be continued



(Please note, this is précised text developed from various sources.  It would have been correct at the time of writing, i.e. you cannot now see the willow tree but am assured it was there at the time.)

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