Crin cottage Ltd Wrekin View Naturist Club * B.N Member

1 Introduction
2 Tour of facilites
3 Photo Tour
4 Questions & Answers
5 Tariffs & Fees
6 Info. & Rules for Visitors
8 Contact Us &Visitor's Comments
9 What's on guide
10 Out and About
11 Member's Only Diary
12 NEW BUILD Photo Album
CLUB MINUTES 2023/2024
MINUTES 2021/2022
15 CLUB MINUTES 2019/20
14 CLUB MINUTES 2017/18

Questions & Answers

Questions & Answers you may want to know about a naturist club

 Q. I have never been to a naturist club before what will happen and will I have to take my clothes off straight away?

A.  You will be welcomed and shown around the club grounds and facilities, You would also have the opportunity to meet other members at the club on the day of your visit so you can ask them additional questions if you wish. Having been shown round the club you would then have the choice of staying for as long as you like for the rest of the day or you can go away and have a think about whether a naturist club is for you or not. You would be under no pressure take your clothes off on your first visit but we do have plenty of secluded areas where you may feel more comfortable going naked.  


Q. Are single men or women allowed to visit or apply for membership?

A. Yes but we are limited to how many single people we can have all single people have to go through strict checks just the same as couples do, all visitors must bring with them photo id and proof of residence, e.g. driving licence and utility bill.  Full details will be on the Registration form sent with your booking confirmation.  In compliance with the Data Protection Act this information is available only to our officers and will be destroyed after 12 months. 

Q. I’m married but my partner does not wish to visit or join am I allowed to join?

A. We do not accept half of any couple in any relationship.  Therefore if you are in a relationship and have a partner you must attend with your partner, not alone.  As a further condition to this rule, to maintain a good balance of membership, we have a strict couple to single ratio quota.  Obviously this fluctuates with membership movement in & out.

Q We have children and they may not want to get undressed. Is that OK?

A. Yes. No child is forced to get undressed so it is up to the parents or the children themselves as to whether they wish to take their clothes off but no swim wear is allowed in the swimming pool or hot tub

Q Are there any occasions when it is mandatory to be without clothes?

A Yes. No one (no matter what age) is allowed in the swimming pool or hot tub unless they are undressed

Q When is your club open?

A. We are open to visitors from Easter to October for camping and caravanning


Q I see you have a kitchen can campers use it?


A Yes all campers touring caravans and day visitors are welcome to use the kitchen all we ask is the you clean up after you and take you rubbish home with you



.Q Can I apply for membership?

 A.Yes, After your first visit,you must do a further 3 visits.This can be 3 day visits or 3 seprarate over night stays which must include minimum 2 weekend stays.


Q. I see you have static caravans can we buy one?

A.Yes, once you are a member,after 6 months you can apply to go on our caravan waiting list.Caravan sites are given out on merit e.g how offen you attend the club and what you do to help keep the grounds looking good.



Q. Should I be worried about my body shape?

A. No. Naturists come in all shapes and sizes, you'll be judged by who you are not how you look.

Q. Who looks after grounds of the club?

A.  The club is owned and run by the members and we do most of the work ourselves.

Q. Do you have accommodation for hire?

 A .YES  we have two Static caravan that sleep 2 persons see caravan hire on website menu  

Q. Asked by women. Can I wear bottoms when I'm having my period?

A. Yes, of course

Q. Why is it most naturist carry a towel?

 A. For hygiene reasons please carry a towel to sit on.  

Q. Are pets allowed?

A .Sorry no pets  only guide dogs with their registered owner

Q. I have some body piercing is this allowed?

A. No body piercing below the waist is allowed. 

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