Sunday 24th
B.N regional meeting T.B.C
Saturday 30th EASTER WEEKEND
Sunday 31st 12;30pm Hot dogs followed by the Easter bonnet parade.
28th 11am A.G.M
PLEASE NOTE B.B.Q's every Saturday's from MAY 3rd to AUGUST
31st on the club bbq in front of Cottage Lawn 6pm bring your own food weather permitted
5pm B.B.Q
8 pm STEVE'S Birthday party (Visitors Welcome) 70s School disco
Saturday 28th Whitsun bank holiday DISCO KARAOKE & Bingo
Saturday 8th Beetle Drive & Quiz
Boules V Telford
HOME (date to be confirmed)
SATURDAY 13th Byran & Irean anniversary party
HOILDAY WEEK FROM Saturday 3rd to Saturday 10th
Saturday 3rd 1pm Club boules 6pm club BBQ 9pm Karaoke
Monday 5th 2pm games 7pm dog race night
Tuesday 6th 2pm games 7pm indian take away
Wedneday 7th 2pm games 7pm indoor games
Thursday 8th 2pm games 7pm bingo
Friday 9th 2pm games
7pm fish n chip take away
Boules v Telford Away
Sat 26TH End of season party
All dates and events are subject to change
Please check details on inter-net and club notice board for event nights.